Turnamen Golf Untuk Pembangunan Rumah Singgah di Kupang, NTT

Turnamen Golf Untuk Pembangunan Rumah Singgah di Kupang, NTT

Tanggal 4 Oktober 2022, Sahabat Insan bekerja sama dengan Komunitas Gua Maria Kana (KGMK) melaksanakan penggalangan dana bagi pembangunan rumah singgah dan kantor JPIC di Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur, melalui penyelenggaraan Turnamen Golf di Jakarta Utara. Menurut koordinator acara Ibu Elly Halim, sedikitnya 147 umat Katolik, Buddha, Muslim dan Protestan serta pemeluk agama lain berpartisipasi dalam acara penggalangan dana tersebut, .


Pembangunan Rumah Singgah dan Kantor JPIC ini akan dilaksanakan di bawah koordinasi Yayasan Sosial Penyelenggaraan Illahi (YSPI) pimpinan Sr. Laurentina, SDP. Seperti yang kita ketahui selama ini, Sr Laurentina dan tim peduli korban perdagangan manusia di Kupang secara aktif selalu melakukan pendampingan bagi para pekerja migran yang pulang ke kampung halamannya baik dalam keadaan sehat atau bahkan tak bernyawa. Kegiatan ini membutuhkan dukungan sarana agar dapat berjalan lancar dan berkesinambungan, untuk memastikan para korban dan keluarganya, terutama yang berasal dari NTT, mendapatkan pelayanan yang layak sebagai sesama umat manusia. Oleh sebab itu, tim KGMK memutuskan untuk menyerahkan hasil penggalangan dana kegiatan tahunan ini untuk membantu para korban perdagangan manusia, khususnya yang berasal dari NTT. Kegiatan ini mendapatkan dukungan penuh dari Bapak Kardinal I. Suharyo. 

Kegiatan ini juga diliput oleh beberapa media, diantaranya UCA News EnglishUCAnews Indonesia dan Jesuit Asia Pacific Conference (sumber: Vanessa - JCAP) seperti tercantum di bawah ini:




Charity golf event raises $80,000 for “Sister Cargo”

Sahabat Insan, the Jesuit centre for migrant workers in Jakarta, has helped raise USD 80,000 to provide infrastructure and facilities support to Sister Laurentina SDP who runs an office and shelter for victims of human trafficking in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara province.

Sister Laurentina’s work in helping repatriate the corpses of illegal Indonesian migrant workers has earned her the nickname “Sister Cargo”.  Her organisation, JPIC Divina Providentia - Kupang under the auspices of the Divine Providence Social Foundation, welcomes and protects victims of human trafficking, providing them with counselling and empowerment services, and scholarships to their children.  The organisation also helps arrange the return of migrant workers’ corpses to their families.

East Nusa Tenggara province has the highest number of human trafficking cases in Indonesia. Many of the victims are driven by poverty into the hands of human traffickers. Most of those allegedly trafficked are women, and many die overseas. 

Sister Laurentina often makes the trip to the airport to collect the bodies of dead migrant workers. On one occasion she describes the experience of waiting with the migrant worker’s family for the cargo to arrive. 

“My heart was very touched while chatting with the little boy, especially when the coffin was pulled out. He innocently told me, ‘Sister, there is Mama!’ I told him, ‘Son, let's pray first for Mama’. He smiled and we prayed for the deceased and her family, and that the trip back to their village in Atambua will go smoothly.”

Currently, Sister Laurentina’s organisation holds office in a worn out hall, and an old building serves as shelter for the victims. The charity golf tournament held on 4 October aimed to raise funds for the construction of the JPIC Divina Providentia shelter and office building. It was carried out in partnership with the Santa Maria Devotion Movement, who for years has organised charity golf events, and with the support of the Archbishop of Jakarta, Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo. More than 100 golfers teed off including Fr Ignatius Ismartono SJ, Director of Sahabat Insan, who putted a hole in one!

More than the money raised, however, the organisers hope to increase awareness among Catholics of the prevalence of human trafficking. “The fight against human trafficking does not stop,” says Fr Ismartono. “It is each of our responsibility as Christians to help restore human dignity to the victims.”